INCOSE publishes Vision 2035, Engineering for a better world.
‘The first new post to relaunch this website for Transitions Suitable for Live’
Inspiration for years to come! – Jeroen Mulder
During restructuring this website to prepare for the launch of a book I’m co writing with Jeroen Mulder, I got the message from INCOSE about the publication of their Vision 35 on Systems Engineering. As this type op knowledge is crucial for the transitions to be addressed on this website its a good opportunity to be this the topic on the first blog of the relaunch whilst the website is “Under Construction” .
INCOSE Systems Engineering Vision 2035
SAN DIEGO (04 March 2022) – The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) is excited to announce the launch of the Systems Engineering Vision 2035. The purpose of vision is to inspire and guide the strategic direction of systems engineering acros diverse stakeholder communities.
The Systems Engineering Vision Team Lead, Sanford Friedenthal, highlights that “a collaborative effort between industry, academia, and government is needed to realize this vision. The vision provides the motivation and identifies the essential elements to advance systems engineering practice over the next decade.”
Systems engineering is an integrating discipline to ensure the pieces of the system work together to achieve the objectives of the whole. It must meet the ever-increasing demands imposed by changes in technology, enterprises, and systems, which in turn must respond to changes in the global environment. By 2035, systems will be even more autonomous and more interconnected, and stakeholders will expect these systems to be safe, secure, resilient, and affordable. At the same time, systems engineering must be able to adapt to the continuous changes needed for enterprises to compete in the global marketplace.
Daniel Hastings from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology adds, “The document presents an exciting vision for a world transformed by the widespread application of modern systems engineering to be a better connected and more prosperous world.”
On the publication, Guru Madhavan from the US National Academy of Engineering says, “The Systems Engineering Vision 2035 offers a cogent cosmopolitan set of competencies and capabilities to engage with the complex systems we live by.”
The web version of the Systems Engineering Vision 2035 along with a downloadable PDF is available from the INCOSE website:”
This is my favorite part: